Dear Catalyst Collective,

I hope this finds you happy and well during this crazy, unprecedented time in our world.
Navigating these times of isolation can be challenging, unsettling and a little scary. Sioux City
and Morningside have been no different in our response to the COVID-19 pandemic than
anywhere else on the globe. Morningside took strict measures to stop the spread of the virus
early and we are hopeful that our work on campus will help flatten the curve in Woodbury

Part of the measures implemented to slow the spread of the virus includes keeping our campus
closed for the summer. Unfortunately, that means that Catalyst Collective will be put on hold
for one year. I am so sad and disappointed we had to make this decision, but I also know that
we have a duty to keep one another safe, our campus community safe and the greater
Siouxland community safe.

I will keep you updated on how we move forward from here for next summer. There are lots of
things to consider for our graduating seniors and we want to be sure that the opportunity
Catalyst Collective offers so many is at its very best in the future.
Until then, please maintain contact with your camp friends, lift one another up and keep
learning during this crazy time. There are so many incredible resources being offered to you, I
hope you are all taking advantage of the incredible educational opportunities available during
this time.

Until we meet again,

Keep the faith, the best is yet to come!

Heath Weber, Director